Trend Micro Endpoint Security Solution

Enterprise products UX design


Trend micro endpoint security solution is an enterprise security software suite for large company to protect thousands of their endpoints against unknown threats, virus and advanced malware. The targeted markets distribute across US, Canada, Europe and Asia. 

My role

Interaction, flow, wireframe, user research, collaboration with develop team and drive the final visual design and UI copy used in the final implementation


Focus on productivity

Enterprise software usually has longer lifecycle than consumer products. While the products are mainly used in professional and special contexts, the main focus of the UI design is to support users in achieving their business goals. The users are usually from different groups of people with specific domain knowledge and use our products on a daily basis. Effectiveness and efficiency are critical in B2B UX design. 

Start from understanding domain 

IT administrator and security team is the primary user group of endpoint security products. Their job is to manage security policies, deploy to the entire company in order to ensure all the endpoints secured. When there’s any security incident happened, they need to react and solve immediately to prevent any business impact. 

  1. Install and setup server 

  2. Deploy agent and manage endpoint

  3. Connect to client 

  4. Manage security policy on server web console

  5. Troubleshooting and maintenance

Several different roles involved in the overall endpoint security management

Identify user groups and real requirements 

Before interaction design, I always started from throughly figuring out user roles and their real needs by conducting user interview and validating the concept with high-level wireframes. This research usually conducted in a short time within two weeks before the first development sprint started. 

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Make complex server installation flow easier

To avoid installation failed in the final step, I designed the flow to detect the required services when initiating installation. Provide default configurations and  real time validation as much as we can.



First-time setup and deployment guide

Once the management server and web console installed, to guide and encourage administrators setup server correctly, the quick start modal prompts and guides users go through the server settings and tips for creating policy step by step. 


Consider all the touch points

Apart from server software, at the client side, once the agent has installed into the endpoint, client console will be able to access from the system tray menu. It provides the ability to temporary switch policies for trouble shooting cases.

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Customisable management console

To cater for different hardware and environment across various enterprise industry, the web console is designed with Grid fluid layout. Administrators can customise console view and select the widget they prefer to see upfront.

Widget settings design focused on content display, hide the less used options behind.

Widget settings design focused on content display, hide the less used options behind.

Validation when shipping to customers

During beta testing stage, I stepped into customers’ real environment to observer how do the administrators install and use the software. And did interviews with them to collect feedbacks for later enhancement in next release. 

> See my latest work: Grab Transport Booking Experience Revamp